Bendy Limbs Tutorial
This tutorial covers the creation of Bendy rigs in 3ds max, this kind of setup can be used to create cartoony arms or legs in which you can modify the shape of the limb giving it a curved shape and being able to control this hierarchy by the use of a standard IK-FK Limb, this effect can also be controlled by a spinner in which you can define the amount of bending. The tutorial covers the creation of the rig step by step and also shows the use of tools than can speed up the process. This is an intermediate level tutorial, that means that you should know the basics rigging tool of 3ds max (bones, ik, constraints, controllers, skinning, etc).
The Chain Tools script that is used at the end of the tutorial can be downloaded from HERE.
The Chain Tools script that is used at the end of the tutorial can be downloaded from HERE.